Support NURA Onlus

Help us to make our projects come true

5 per mille

You can support the activities of NURA Onlus giving 5 per mille from your tax declaration.

Giving your 5 per doesn’t cost you anything because it is automatically extracted from your IRPEF, something that you spend anyway but instead with 5 per mille, you can do something big for our association!

Giving back your 5‰:

  1. Complete the CUD form, modello 730 or the modello Unico;
  2. Sign in the box “I support a non-profit …”;
  3. Identify the same space the fiscal code of NURA a non-profit cultural association.

Even if you don’t have to present tax returns you can still ask to fill out the form from your employer, at the director of your retirement fund and deliver it (fill out in a closed envelope) to a post office, service performed for free which receives it for free or by an intermediate at telematic transmissions (CAF, accountant…) On the envelope you should write «DESTINAZIONE CINQUE PER MILLE IRPEF» and indicate your last name, name and codice fiscale.


You can supp0rt us making a donations addressed to:

Associazione Culturale NURA Onlus
IBAN: IT36Q0101586750000070358317

The cultural association NURA is a nonprofit organization for social good, all donations are tax deductible according to the limits imposed by law, whereas they are made by bank transfers, checks or bank accounts titled and renounce the condition “nontransferable credit cards, even those that are prepaid.

Personal benefits for the individuals

Rif.: art. 14, decreto legge n. 35/2005 (conv. dalla legge 80/2005)
The freedom of the movement of capital or in nature given to the personal participants of the ONLUS are deductible up to 10% if the total amount and are not more than 70,000 €/Year.